Case Study

Example of Installation

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Ramyun Pop-up Store in Seoul

December 6, 2023/

A pop-up store for Shin Ramyun was opened in Seoul, the capital of Korea, where instant ramyun was originally made. Nongshim Shin Ramyun is the best ramyun in Korea. Nongshim…

Company Breakroom (Snack24)

November 23, 2023/

EZ Cook is perfect to fit in the breakroom of your business. Witness the seamless integration of technology and culinary innovation with our easy-to-follow installation guide. We prioritize user-friendly designs,…

ElectroMart (E-Mart) Opening!

November 23, 2023/

ElectroMart (E-Mart) Opening! You can see EZ Cook in action at 46 ElectroMart locations across South Korea. Say goodbye to time-consuming meal preparations. With EZ Cook from InstaRamen, culinary delight…

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Don’t starve yourself!
Prepare a meal with EASY COOK
Press a button to complete a meal easy and quick

